When Are Hair Transplant Grafts Safe Post-Op?

A common concern by all hair transplant patients is causing damage to the grafts in the recipient area immediately post operation and the first few weeks of healing. It is important you follow the instructions given to you by the clinic, they are given to you for your own best interests and to make the your day and after care go as smoothly as possibly.

Little to no pressure should be applied to the recipient area in the first week, the second week slight gentle massage can be applied when shampooing. The grafts are delicate and with scratching or vigorous massage they can be dislodged from the recipient sites they have been placed during the first 2 weeks post operation.

Over the first month the hairs that have been planted start to fall out as you shampoo, this is very normal; the actual graft or follicular unit though remains embedded in your skin. It is common when the hairs fall out they have a little skin attached to them; this is the epilithium, or the upper layer of the skin tissue that is part of the graft.

By the end of the first month it is not uncommon for almost all the transplanted hair to have fallen out; and the follicular unit goes into a dormant cycle for a further 2 months. All care should be taken in the first 2 weeks to care for your hair transplant; you should always ask your clinic if you have concerns or questions.


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